A Systematic Approach to Create Dynamic Human-Controller-Interactions

InSight is an intuitive technique to control smart objects with existing input devices in the environment, while simply looking at them. By leveraging the user’s line of sight as a heuristic of gaze and attention, the InSight system directs input focus from input devices to the device that the user is looking at, thus creating an intuitive metaphor: you control the object you are looking at. We contribute with technical details of the hardware and software implementation, and a discussion of single user and multi-user interaction possibilities.


Insight: A Systematic Approach to Create Dynamic Human-controller-interactions.
Augmented Human (AH 2017)
Roger Boldu, Haimo Zhang, Juan Pablo Forero Cortés, Sachith Muthukumarana, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ]

Press and Awards

Best Short Paper Award: Received the Best Short Paper Award in recognition of the research paper "InSight: a systematic approach to create dynamic human controller interactions." presented at the 8th Augmented Human International Conference.