
Welcome to my portfolio!

I am passionate about exploring innovative solutions at the intersection of Haptic Interfaces, Assistive Augmentation, and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Here, you'll find a showcase of my research projects, publications, and contributions to advancing the field of HCI.

I hold a PhD from the Augmented Human Lab at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and have a background in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Prior to my doctoral studies, I worked as a research assistant at the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre in Singapore and gained industry experience at Synopsys as a Corporate Application Engineer. Outside of academia, I indulge in sports, food, photography, and travel.


Python, C, C++, SQL, R, C#, VHDL, Verilog, LaTeX


Altium Designer, OrCAD, Proteus, EagleCAD


SPICE, Matlab, Simulink, PSpice, Octave


MS Excel, Google Sheets, Power BI, Matplotlib


3D printing, Laser Cutting, Processing


Adobe Suite, SolidWorks, FreeCAD, Fusion 360


PyTorch, WEKA, TensorFlow


Running, Cricket, Football, Rugby, Badminton


  • All
  • Haptic
  • Sensing
  • Data
  • Art
  • Sports






RIBbon @ Read Bridge






THEV Trainer



ClothTiles: A Prototyping Platform to Fabricate Customized Actuators on Clothing using 3D Printing and Shape-memory Alloys.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021)
Sachith Muthukumarana, Moritz Alexander Messerschmidt, Denys J. C. Matthies, Jürgen Steimle, Philipp M. Scholl, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ] [VIDEO ]

Touch me gently: Recreating the Perception of Touch using a Shape-memory Alloy Matrix.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020)
Sachith Muthukumarana, Don Samitha Elvitigala, Juan Pablo Forero Cortes, Denys J. C. Matthies, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ] [VIDEO ]

Chewit. An Intraoral Interface for Discreet Interactions.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019)
Pablo Gallego Cascón, Denys J. C. Matthies, Sachith Muthukumarana, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ] [VIDEO ]

ANISMA: A Prototyping Toolkit to Explore Haptic Skin Deformation Applications Using Shape-Memory Alloys.
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
Moritz Alexander Messerschmidt, Sachith Muthukumarana, Nur Al-Huda Hamdan, Adrian Wagner, Haimo Zhang, Jan Borchers, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ] [VIDEO ]

XRtic: A Prototyping Toolkit for XR Applications using Cloth Deformation.
IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2022)
Sachith Muthukumarana, Alaeddin Nassani, Jürgen Steimle, Mark Billinghurst, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ] [VIDEO ]

Jammify: Interactive Multi-sensory System for Digital Art Jamming.
IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2021)
Sachith Muthukumarana, Don Samitha Elvitigala, Qin Wu, Yun Suen Pai, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ] [VIDEO ]

PhantomTouch: Creating an Extended Reality by the Illusion of Touch using a Shape-memory Alloy Matrix.
ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 XR)
Sachith Muthukumarana, Don Samitha Elvitigala, Juan Pablo Forero Cortes, Denys J. C. Matthies, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ] [VIDEO ]

CricketCoach: Towards Creating a Better Awareness of Gripping Forces for Cricketers.
Augmented Human (AH 2019)
Sachith Muthukumarana, Denys J. C. Matthies, Chamod Weerasinghe, Don Samitha Elvitigala, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ]

haptic HONGI: Reflections on Collaboration in the Transdisciplinary Creation of an AR Artwork.
Creating Digitally: Contemporary Applications and Concepts (Springer 2023)
Mairi Gunn, Angus Campbell, Mark Billinghurst, Wendy Lawn, Prasanth Sasikumar, and Sachith Muthukumarana.
[DOI ]

Haptic Hongi-Reiterated.
ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 XR)
Mairi Gunn, Prasanth Sasikumar, Sachith Muthukumarana, Tania Remana, and Mark Billinghurst.
[DOI ]

CapMat: A Smart Foot Mat for User Authentication.
Augmented Human (AH 2019)
Denys J. C. Matthies, Don Samitha Elvitigala, Sachith Muthukumarana, Jochen Huber, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ]

Insight: A Systematic Approach to Create Dynamic Human-controller-interactions.
Augmented Human (AH 2017)
Roger Boldu, Haimo Zhang, Juan Pablo Forero Cortés, Sachith Muthukumarana, and Suranga Nanayakkara.
[DOI ] [PDF ]

Press and Awards

Global Grad Show 2020: The project “Touch me Gently” has been selected to feature in the Global Grad Show 2020 edition in Dubai, as one of the top 100 graduate research projects across the world. Global Grad Show 2020 received 1,600 applications received from graduates in 270 universities from all over the world.

CHI Honourable Mention Award: Received the Honorable Mention Award in recognition of the research paper "ChewIt. An Intraoral Interface for Discreet Interactions." presented at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), Glasgow, Scotland,UK.

Best Short Paper Award: Received the Best Short Paper Award in recognition of the research paper "InSight: a systematic approach to create dynamic human controller interactions." presented at the 8th Augmented Human International Conference.

Callaghan Innovation Research and Development Career Grant: Received the research and development career grant from Callahan Innovations for Korawai Limited, initiated based on the two main research projects in the PhD dissertation.

Ph.D. scholarship at the University of Auckland: Received a full-time PhD student scholarship in the Auckland Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland. The scholarship is funded through the Entrepreneurial Universities grant in New Zealand.

Silver Award at the Best Design Awards: The project "Jammify" has been awarded with a silver award in the Best Design Awards ceremony under Student Digital category.

Bronze Award at the Best Design Awards: The project "Jammify" has been awarded with a bronze award in the Best Design Awards ceremony under Student Spatial category.

Finalist at the Best Design Awards: The project "Touch me Gently” has been selected as a finalist in the Best Design Awards ceremony under Student Digital category.

Gold Award at the Best Design Awards: The project "RainbowHub" has been awarded with a gold award in the Best Design Awards ceremony under Exhibition and Temporary Structures Category.

Gold Award at the Best Design Awards: The project "RainbowHub" has been awarded with a gold award in the Best Design Awards ceremony under Lighting Design Category.

Finalists in the Communication Arts 2020 Design Award: The project "RainbowHub" has been selected as a finalist in the Communication Arts 2020 Design Award under Miscellaneous Category.

Finalist at the Australian Graphic Design Association: The project "RainbowHub" has been selected as a finalist in the Australian Graphic Design Association under Spatial / Temporary Installations Category.

Touch me Gently Recreates Natural Touch Sensation -

PhantomTouch at Global Grad Show 2020 -

Touch me Gently at Global Grad Show 2020 -

Lighting up the foyer of the ABI | University of Auckland

Jammify at ARS Electronica 2020 -

ABI and CAI work together to show their arty-science side -

CapMat | This Doormat Can Tell Who You Are for Multi-Factor Authentication

Read Bridge lights up for the festive season. Channel NewsAsia 2015.

Auckaland Council transforms the Ellen Melville centre with new pride installation.

“Our isolation makes us resourceful”: a New Zealand design guide 2020.

Fresh From The Field — RUN’s Auckland Rainbow Hub

Lights, Web App, Action! -

"Bite-sized device a new take on wearable tech" -

"A new way to answer your phone by biting a piece of tech" -

“Run agency and Auckland Council bring Pride to the CBD 2020

XR presentations | PhantomTouch 2019 at SIGGRAPH

The light installation that lets you play a part -